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Electric bikes is very healthy and environmentally friendly

As the riding of electric bicycles is recognized by everyone, there are more and more healthy and environmentally friendly lifestyles like this, our living environment will become more and more beautiful, and our physique will become stronger and stronger, so that we can live a healthy life The quality has naturally improved.

Electric bicycle exercise is an endurance aerobic exercise that can best improve people's cardiopulmonary function.

Because e-bike exercise is a heterolateral domination exercise, it can improve the agility of the nervous system. Alternately pedaling with two legs can develop the fun


ctions of the left and right brains at the same time, and can effectively prevent premature aging and partial waste of the brain.

A survey shows that people who ride an electric bicycle about 6 to 5 kilometers a day are 50% less likely to suffer from coronary artery disease than those who do not cycle.

It has a significant regulating effect on cardiopulmonary function.

Because electric bicycle exercise can effectively exercise lower limb muscle strength and strengthen whole body endurance.

For the weight loss problem that has been plaguing modern people, riding an electric bicycle is the best way to lose weight.

Because the human body performs periodic aerobic exercise during the exercise of electric bicycles, so the exerciser can effectively consume more calories. We know that excess body fat can only be consumed after exercising for more than half an hour. Short-term strenuous exercise is ineffective. Generally, each electric bicycle ride takes several hours. According to scientific research, riding an electric bicycle for half an hour is ineffective. It can burn about 150 calories, and if you stick to it for a long time, you can get a significant weight loss effect.

There are also some scientific studies that show that long-term adherence to riding an electric bicycle can prolong life to a certain extent.

In fact, from the previous summary of the benefits of cycling, it can be seen that electric bicycle exercise is a kind of exercise that strengthens cardiovascular and cerebrovascular and cardiopulmonary functions, so it is not surprising that it can prolong life to a certain extent.

According to the survey and statistics of relevant international committees, among various occupations in the world, postmen and deliverymen who use electric bicycles as their main means of transportation have the longest life expectancy.

When riding a bicycle, the blood vessels will be compressed, the blood circulation will be accelerated, and the brain will receive more oxygen. After riding for a while, you will feel that your mind is very clear and your whole body can feel relaxed and comfortable.

In addition to the above effects, some scientists have pointed out that proper exercise can secrete a hormone, which makes you cheerful and happy.

From experience, we know that cycling produces this hormone.

Especially when cycling outdoors, people are in a good mood and enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way, which is very helpful for relaxing, reducing psychological pressure and preventing depression.

Seeing these, you probably can't help but step on the pedal and go out for a bike ride! Don't worry, before you get into this sport, you must prepare an electric bicycle that suits you.

There are many types of electric bicycles now, such as mountain ebikes, road bikes, urban commuter bikes, folding bikes... You have to choose the appropriate type of bike according to your hobbies, the terrain you ride, and the distance you ride each time.

Young people who like to challenge the speed and have plenty of energy can choose a road car. Its speed can reach a high speed, but it has certain requirements on the road surface. Those who like long-distance and multi-day cycling can choose a comfortable outing bike, equipped with shelves and saddle bags. Mountain bikes are accepted by most enthusiasts because they are not limited by road conditions and are suitable for people of all ages.

In addition, it is very important that the size of the electric bicycle frame used by each person must be matched with their height (the frame is too large or too small, and it will be uncomfortable when riding), before purchasing a ZNH electric bicycle Be sure to consult relevant professionals beforehand.

Cycling in the suburbs must pay attention to safety and learn to protect yourself. It is best to wear a brightly colored bike jacket and pants, which is not only a beautiful scenery, but also reminds vehicles to pay attention to ensure their own safety. The most important thing is that you must remember to wear a hard hat, and never ignore safety.

Electric cycling is a collective sport, and only when everyone is together can one experience the endless fun. People of different ages, personalities, and occupations came together because of their hobby of electric bicycles. They exchanged experiences and improved their shortcomings together. They not only exercised their bodies, enriched their lives, but also made new friends and broadened our horizons.

Nowadays, more and more enthusiasts have joined the ranks of cycling, from teenagers to seniors in their seventies, from seniors to new beginners, everyone enjoys it and enjoys it. Enjoy the wonderful feeling brought by the movement of electric bicycle.

Electric bicycle movement is also a sport that shows individuality. Everyone has different goals, different preferences, and different designs for their own cars.

For different enthusiasts

The emergence of teams, clubs, and various related organizers provides a variety of activities for everyone to choose from: First of all, there are various electric bicycle competitions, including road races, time trials, cross-country races, etc., which make people energetic of fans have the opportunity to demonstrate their abilities; also grouped by age. In addition, there are a variety of outing activities, single-day, multi-day, each activity will have a different theme, not only exercise, but also visit scenic spots and breathe fresh air, which can be said to serve multiple purposes. Based on long-term activity experience, many clubs have also summarized several cycling routes, with different distances and difficulties for everyone to choose.

Today's fashion is health and environmental protection, and electric bicycle sports are the perfect combination of these two themes.

On a sunny weekend, when you are driving in the suburbs or in the mountains, inadvertently, you will find more and more teams passing by you, making you roll down the window and pick up the car in your hand. DV faces them. Accompanying them, there are cheers, laughter, sweat, joy, friendship, and the most precious thing in the world - health.

The colorful fleet is like a flowing rainbow, don't you want to throw away your car keys and join it?

Read next:Electric Bike Riding Tips

